Custom php Web App

Development Services

Build secure and scalable Web Applications, Portals, and Solutions with our web app development services.

We Help Build Futuristic

Web Applications

We provide custom solutions from start to end for web app development services. We tailor solutions to match your business needs and tackle head-on the unique business challenges.

We design responsive and tailored online apps for your business using the latest technologies such as PHP, Web 2.0, HTML, Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Magento, and OSCommerce. Our skilled staff takes advantage of PHP's dynamism by combining it with database languages like MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP Code. To design products that function across platforms and devices, we leverage frameworks like ZEND, Codeigniter, Laravel, Yii, and CakePHP.

By utilizing the most up-to-date web technologies to handle various project requirements, we have carved out a niche in Web App Development. In addition, we provide our full attention to not only the technical but also the commercial aspects of the project. We tend to deliver the best in the estimated time by keeping communication flowing and adhering to the Agile strategy.

Web development services

We offer a diverse set of services. To give the best-suited web app solution, Ranolia Ventures digs deep to understand our clients' objectives and specific business difficulties.


Our Progressive Web App

We offer high-end progressive web app development services that are incredibly efficient, highly responsive, and tailored to specific customer requirements. When consumers visit your website, we ensure that they have an immersive app experience thanks to our progressive web application development services.

Custom application development

We can help you create a bespoke web app from the ground up, move your old backend, or streamline existing front-end functionality in a timely and cost-effective manner.

We provide business intelligence solutions, cloud application migration, collaboration and portal construction, document management solutions, secure intranets, extranets, and portal setup, as well as ongoing maintenance, support, and upgrades.


Portal development

Web portals and enterprise portals are two types of portals that we design. Our web portals provide the best combination of performance, cost-effectiveness, and expansion potential. Productive intranets, extranets, and engagement workspaces are used in our company installations. We mix collaboration features, access to aggregated data, self-service workflows, and enterprise social functionality in our portals.


E-Commerce development

We provide end-to-end eCommerce solutions that include payment gateway integration, high-end plug-in modules, round-the-clock maintenance, and appealing UX for a pleasurable end-user experience.


Website development and maintenance

We develop websites that are simple to navigate, have a solid information architecture, visual signals for users, and are action-oriented. Domain name registration, content production and administration, navigation design, programming, and user interface design are just a few of the services we offer. Regardless of screen size or quality, our websites perform admirably.


SaaS products

We assist SaaS startups and corporations in developing better software solutions and scaling up innovation. We minimize time-to-market by using numerous SaaS development accelerators, reusable frameworks, and components. UX design and engineering, API blueprinting and engineering, distributed architecture, data analytics, machine learning, cloud-native techniques, and automated testing are some of the services we offer.


Open source web development and revamp

The principle of open-source development allows you to develop or redesign your website using the same source code. The source codes are visible on the website's web page, which is the sole distinction. With our open-source website redesign and development, you can change your website's source code from its original design to achieve previously unthinkable roll-out schedules and budgets.


Web Application Support And Maintenance

We work with you to manage web applications that we produced or that were developed by third-party vendors. Our expert engineers can tackle any task, whether it's correcting problems or developing new capabilities. We also keep track of and support any of your future requirements.

Web development cycle

Our Solution Development Cycle guides you through the process of turning your excellent ideas into viable business solutions.


We delve into your company model, market issues, and product positioning to assist you in developing a product that adds value.

Product Design

To assist our clients in exploring what is feasible with developing technologies, we deploy a cross-functional team of Strategists, Designers, and Developers.


We have highly competent teams who keep things lean and offer unique solutions for each client quickly. To assure code quality, we appoint expert managers to each project.

Quality Assurance

We test throughout the product development process to provide bug-free, dependable, safe, and secure solutions.

We are trusted by brands you believe in

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Recognized by the best

Frequently asked questions

How does a Web application work?
A typical Web app workflow is as follows: the user sends a request to the webserver, which the webserver then forwards to the relevant web application server. The Web application server executes the specified operation and provides the results to the webserver after the request is passed. Following that, the web server responds to the users with the required information.
What is the difference between a Native App and a Web App?
A web app is accessed through a web browser and requires either a wireless or cellular connection to function, whereas a native app is loaded directly on the phone. Native apps can work without an internet connection in most circumstances, depending on the nature of the software.
What is the best platform to build Web Applications?
AngularJs, Express.js, Phalcon,, and Symfony are some of the most popular platforms for developing web applications.
What are the models of Web Applications?
Web application components can be organized in a variety of ways.

Single Web Server

Single Web Server + Database Server

Multiple Web Server + Single Database Server

Multiple Web Servers + Multiple Database Servers

# Chatbot Development

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# Quality Assurance

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Launch Your Dream
Project With Us

We have worked with some of the best innovative ideas and brands across several industry verticals over the world.
You have an idea.
We’ll make it
a reality.
We’re leading experts in cutting-edge web and mobile
app development.
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